StoneAge Reloaded DevLog

StoneAge Reloaded is a project aimed to resurrect the fun and the emotions we all lived while playing arcade classics. What we are trying to do is to transfer that playability to a modern 3D environment. We will post any update on the project on this page, new (hot) content constantly coming! Stay tuned!


New Weapon!

We implemented a weapon pickup system and a new available weapon, the Stone Wheel

Concept design

New playable character concept

New concept design for a new playable character made by the super talented 2D artist Alessandra Lucanto


Night Time

Night Time + Some extra UI element and a Mana System


Max Meets Bronto

We just added a new BIG NPC

wip update

Gameplay Video

Quick Gameplay Video of the current status of developement


Assets Sculpting

3D Models of an early Character Sculpt and two weapons assets. More updates coming soon!


Welcome to Stoneage

We are glad to welcome you to StoneAge reloaded, a unique experience you will not forget! Stay tuned for our updates...

© Mario Veltri - 2024. All right reserved.